Orange County Cursillo |
The story of Christmas is the story of something beautiful coming from something that seems to us to be broken. First the marriage of Mary and Joseph seems to be broken because she is with child before they come together. Second their plans for lodging in Bethlehem were broken and they are forced to stay in a stable. Yet out of that came the most beautiful birth imaginable.
For us this Christmas our celebrations may seem broken as we cannot celebrate as we are accustomed due to the quarantine and other restrictions. This entire pandemic feels like something that can’t be fixed. Perhaps my family this year seems to be broken in many different ways. Yet from broken situations, something beautiful can come. 
My words in those broken situations don’t have to be great. My actions don’t have to be epic. I just have to be true to my God and have trust in him. The reasons for that trust is reading today’s Gospel. I know that coming from something that seems to me to be broken, truly in the hands of God, can be incredibly beautiful !
DeColores, Deacon Doug
Join us in prayer!
We encourage you to join us as we recite the Holy Rosary every night at 8PM! On Wednesdays, we pray the rosary via Zoom with the rector and rectora.
Resources for those not able to attend Mass
Daily Readings in English and Spanish from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Prayers, readings for Mass, and additional spiritual readings are available at:
Magnificat publication, a spiritual guide that includes daily Mass:
“Give Us This Day” a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts. Visit and select “Digital” in the upper right of the screen.