Orange County Cursillo |
Jesus today is speaking in particular about anger, that is, a desire or attitude that simply refuses to forgive. I would say looking at our society today that there is an incredible amount of anger. It is anger that led to the killing of little Aiden on the 55 Freeway and so many other drive by shootings. It is anger between the members of our two political parties that keep them from getting anything accomplished.
Jesus always brings us back to the human heart. Tomorrow we will celebrate His Sacred Heart. Actions flow from decisions made in the heart. When we cultivate sentiment in our heart, both good and evil, it will eventually come forth by what we express in our words. If we are angry it will become quickly evident. Any unwillingness to forgive leads to resentment in the heart which will ultimately destroy lives and relationships. It also leads to physical and verbal abuse.
It is no secret that the ones we love the most are the ones most capable of hurting us the most by their words and vice versa. God takes every word we speak seriously and holds us accountable for them. Our words are really a manifestation of what is in our hearts. It is so important to God that he said he will not accept our “offering” if there is anything we hold against our brother. So bring those relationships to God in prayer. Harden not your hearts or let anything flow from your heart that does not originate in love. Let us ask Jesus to help us to receive his heart of love for all people, but especially for those closest to us !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug
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