Orange County Cursillo |
Today is the feast of Sts. Simon and Jude.  St. Jude is known as the patron saint of impossible causes. St. Simon was a member of a group of agitators known as Zealots. They violently opposed the Roman occupation. The fact that Jesus called him to be an Apostle means he recognized his ability to change.
The two are usually mentioned together because they both taught in Persia and were martyred in the same area. When we think of the apostles we do not normally think of them first. However not everyone needs to be a headliner to be an important contributor. They we’re simply men loyal to Christ who persevered in the mission he entrusted to them.
That’s an important message for all of us. We don’t need to be stars or headliners to do God’s work, we just need to be faithful. Jesus didn’t pick superstars to be his apostles, but they became something even greater. They became Saints. Let us also humbly accept the role he has given to each one of us. That’s the road to becoming Saints !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug