Orange County Cursillo |
What Jesus experienced for our salvation with his passion and death wasn’t just death. It was a senseless suffering and beating leading to his death. He was beaten so badly that he died quickly on the cross to the amazement of everyone including Pilate.
Mary Magdalene and the other disciples just shook their heads. They couldn’t believe that something this brutal could have any meaning. That is why they were so surprised on Easter morning because they couldn’t believe that Jesus could bring meaning to all of this suffering. It took a while for the full meaning of Easter to sink in. Gradually they began to see that this suffering and terrible degradation was not without meaning. They began to learn the wisdom of the cross.
The joy of Easter is not simply that Jesus will give me life one day. Easter tells me that Jesus can give meaning to my life with all its craziness and my suffering, right now. That’s great news, especially if I’m having a hard time with life and dealing with this pandemic !
St.Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug