Today I went in to the dentist for my regular teeth cleaning. Because of COVID I had not had this done since last summer. Needless to say my teeth were in desperate need of a good cleaning.
While waiting in the office I was thinking that my heart and soul are also in need of a good cleaning. The sacrament of Reconciliation should be as regular as the dentist. I can’t use COVID as an excuse for not going either. If however we have not been to the sacrament in a while, we should take time to reflect on our life’s priorities. Do we willingly accept God’s love and freely choose to obey his commandments? We do that by examining the way we love.
True love has two dimensions: love of God and love of our neighbor. Never forget that God has loved you first. This is the wellspring that feeds our ability to love. Then spend time with God and recommit yourself to doing everything for love of him. Second ask him to help you make his love more real in the lives of your neighbors and family, especially those you find the most difficult to love.
Let us clean our minds and hearts and soul so that I can love God and my neighbor better right now !
DeColores, Deacon Doug
Join us in prayer!
We encourage you to join us as we recite the Holy Rosary every night at 8PM! On Wednesdays, we pray the rosary via Zoom with the rector and rectora.
Resources for those not able to attend Mass
Daily Readings in English and Spanish from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Prayers, readings for Mass, and additional spiritual readings are available at:
Magnificat publication, a spiritual guide that includes daily Mass:
“Give Us This Day” a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts. Visit and select “Digital” in the upper right of the screen.