Orange County Cursillo |
The Gospel story today is about the woman in the crowd who touches Jesus’ clothes in order to be healed. It is depicted in one of my favorite paintings of all time. This painting is covering one whole wall in the chapel in the basement of the church in Magdala. In this painting we see a hand reaching out from people’s legs in the crowd trying to touch Jesus’ garment.
In ancient times to be hemorrhaging meant that the person was unclean according to Mosaic Law. Therefore she would have been banned from the temple for all those twelve years of her affliction. That’s a long time to be considered an outcast and banned from her friends and neighbors.
When she realized she was healed, she immediately went to Jesus to admit it was her who touched him. Jesus then does something really beautiful. He calls her “daughter”, which means he is welcoming her back to God’s family. What an example for us to welcome people back into our Catholic family!
During Covid many people have been away. Think of someone today you would like to welcome back into our church. Reach out to them and invite them back home !
DeColores, Deacon Doug