Orange County Cursillo |
As we see in the Gospel today, when I open myself up and ask for God to heal, to cure, to make me strong and healthy, God’s response is a gift of his very self. When I open my ears to hear God’s word and let it speak to me, again it comes to me as a gift. I can never pay for it. Rather I can embrace these rich tailor-made gifts that are just for me.
At Baptism I received the gift of life that never dies. When I receive the Eucharist, which is the Bread of Life, that is something all the riches in the world could never pay for. To have my sins forgiven in Reconciliation, that too is a healing I could never pay for and never earn. Yet God has given me ALL this as a gift. I am the richest person in the world because of all of these marvelous, transforming gifts I have received from God.
I have received the great gift of God’s love. It’s in me and it’s in me for a purpose. Once we truly realize how rich and blessed we are, we are called upon by our Heavenly Father to share that love with others. When I do that, I am helping bring this world one step closer to God. Our world needs that today more than ever in our lifetime. Be that gift !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug