Orange County Cursillo |
Today Jesus touched the ears and tongue of the deaf man and cures him. What a moment that must have been. There are a lot of people today who miss a lot of life, like that deaf man. They refuse to open up their ears to God’s word and let it speak to them. They refuse to open their eyes to see the wonders God has placed before them.
Perhaps you know people like that. Perhaps they are in your family. Perhaps you have been called by God to make his message known to them. It’s no easy task, but perhaps it’s what Jesus meant when he said, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”
I have received from God the great gift of his unconditional love. This love is on me, and it’s there for a purpose. It’s there for me to enjoy, and also for me to give to others. When I do that, I am helping bring this world one step closer to God. I am helping transform this world from human to divine !
DeColores, Deacon Doug