Orange County Cursillo |
Jesus tells us to love our enemies, do good for those who hate us, and pray for those who mistreat us. He say tell us to stop judging and we will not be judged. Forgive and we will be forgiven. This is challenging for us to say the least.
Even though we are surrounded by the earthly comforts and demands of our society, this is what God expects of us. Today we love in a world where religion has become less and less important to the point of even being ridiculed. Covid has given many the excuse of no longer going to church. We find ourselves struggling to follow God’s ways. This is the reality of our world today.
But God’s grace is also reality. Because Christ lives in us, we have unlimited access to that grace. We see the effects of that grace most visibly in the lives of the saints. It’s that same grace that enables us to love our enemies, to forgive one another, and to give to those in need. It’s that grace that will help us each day to cope with the world we live in, and to faithfully follow our loving God.
DeColores, Deacon Doug