Orange County Cursillo |
The Spirit drove Jesus into the desert for 40 days where he was tempted.  We have begun our 40 days of Lent and for sure we will be tempted also. Today our Catechumens sign the Book of the Elect as they journey towards the Easter Sacraments. They have special reason to rejoice as they prepare for Baptism where they pass through the baptismal waters into salvation firsthand.
Yet we who have been baptized have reason to rejoice also as we spend these 40 days renewing our baptismal promises. We renounce the devil and all his empty promises. We try to resist the temptations that will come our way as we work to know the Lord better and draw ever closer to him. Therefore I say “rejoice”, because this is a special part of our annual faith journey.
So let us find extra time to pray this Lent. Give more of yourself, your time, talent and treasure to people in need. Choose to fast from those negative activities or habits that pull you away from God. Yet the journey is worth it. When we reach the joy of Easter we will have a fuller experience of God’s faithfulness and salvation.
So I say to you, do not let these 40 days be a chore or a burden. I say to you again; “rejoice” !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug