Orange County Cursillo |
The Bible is full of stories of people who had to wait to get an answer to their prayers. Some even had to live through times when it seemed like God wasn’t there, like Daniel. They cried out because they felt they were waiting a long time for God to act.
I’m told that if you have ever tried to grow Chinese bamboo, you can get sense of what I mean. You plant the seed and water it and make sure it had everything it needs. Then you wait. Nothing happens for the first year, or the second or third or fourth year.  You want to give up. Actually something is happening that you can’t see. For four years, that seed has been spreading its roots deep and wide. When the fifth year comes that bamboo is ready to grow. It can grow to ninety feet in five weeks. While it seemed like the seed was doing nothing, something important and necessary was happening.
The same is true for us. It may seem like God is doing nothing, but he is actually preparing us to grow closer to him. So keep praying always! We should never underestimate what God is doing when it seems that he was doing nothing !
De Colores, Deacon Doug