Orange County Cursillo |
You have all heard the saying, “familiarity breeds contempt”. In today’s Gospel, Jesus’ contemporaries were in that situation regarding him. They had all seen his miracles, and his preaching was beyond exceptional. Yet some were not satisfied and wanted to see more signs. 
It’s all too easy for us to have that same attitude with our faith. Instead of appreciating the richness contained in our church, many of us still look for extraordinary signs. The Gospels, which we read over and over, seem boring. What piques our interest is when we hear of an exceptional healing or something outstanding that captures our imagination. We all want to see miracles. So Lent is a good time to get back to basics. A time to re-encounter our Lord in the Mass or in the Scriptures as though it’s our very first time.
Lent is a good time for us to not only appreciate all that we have received in the church, but also a time to share it with others. The truths of our faith were not meant for us alone but for all humanity. In order for God’s message to get out into the world, depends upon us. What are we doing this year to share the true meaning of Lent and Easter with those around us ?
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug