Orange County Cursillo |
We are about to enter our season of lent. As we do, our gospel asks us to reflect on the attitude we have towards others. Are we people who build up or people who tear down and are judgmental of others. Jesus says;” Why do you notice the splinter in your brothers eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own?”
Our world would be a much happier world if we all realized that what people need most is praise rather than criticism. What most people need today is encouragement. To let them know they are special and that they are loved. Are we adding to joy in our world or are we people who add to the sorrow in our world ?
And so today’s gospel invites us to take a look at our attitude. Do we have an attitude of gratitude ? Let us use this Lenten season to reflect on what we need to grow closer to the Lord. What makes us grow is not a negative, judgmental attitude, but an affirming and loving heart !
DeColores, Deacon Doug