Orange County Cursillo |
Why was it that those close to Jesus, at least in the beginning of his ministry, had difficulty with him? Could it be they knew him as he was growing up and led a normal childhood life? He surely seemed like one of them. They knew his mother and father as ordinary people.
The same thing can happen to each one of us. The hardest thing about living out God’s call in my life isn’t always opposition from “enemies of the faith.” Sometimes it’s being misunderstood by those closest to me. My relatives, my friends, those who really know me. Those I got in “trouble” with as a kid or young adult. (The memory of the sins of my past tend to stay with me for a long time.)
Then there is the perception that “regular folks” aren’t holy. They just go to church on Sunday, but the rest of the week they don’t talk about God much. They just lead a “normal “ life. The trouble is, a “normal “ life for a disciple of the Lord is not always what other people consider normal. Being a follower of Jesus means living a different way of life. It takes more than one hour of Mass each week. You have heard me say many times: “Sitting in church on Sunday doesn’t make you a Christian any more than standing in your garage makes you a car!” We need to die to our old way of living and rise to a new way of life. Christianity is that new way of life and it’s going to take some work !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug