Orange County Cursillo |
Seldom does the gospel ever show Jesus as angry. Yet today Jesus is clearly angry and provoked by the hypocrisy of the Pharisees and their hardness of heart. They have closed themselves off to Jesus and his message of salvation. They refuse to open their hearts to what he is saying and instead are only looking for justification for killing him. How sad for them !
So I ask myself today, do I ever make small concessions to envy, or hypocrisy, or even hatred ? Do I judge others before I ever get to know them ? Do I judge by their appearance or by the content of their character ? Have I let the world harden my heart to Jesus ? Do I listen to the false prophets of today’s society ?
Today more than ever I need to be courageous like Jesus and endure sometimes bitter opposition for the sake of the Gospel, even if that opposition is in my own family.
DeColores, Deacon Doug