In the first reading today from the prophet Amos we read; “Seek good and not evil that, you may live.  Hate evil and love good, and let justice prevail at the gate.”  What great words for us as we witness the senseless rioting and destruction in the name of justice.  This is not justice but evil.  I’m not opposed to peaceful demonstrations, but I am suspect of a term that includes “demon” in it.

When we act out of hatred we are not following the example set for us by Christ.  Even on the cross he cried out to the father to forgive them.  Our Lord is a God of love and mercy.  He did not seek retribution.

When we get frustrated at what we see we need to try to imagine Jesus love for everyone who is suffering.  We need to let that love break down the barriers that harden our hearts. We need to listen more to Jesus than to speak and then see where this leads us. Pray and listen so that justice and peace may reign in your hearts !

DeColores, Deacon Doug


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Resources for those not able to attend Mass
Daily Readings in English and Spanish from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Prayers, readings for Mass, and additional spiritual readings are available at:
Magnificat publication, a spiritual guide that includes daily Mass:
“Give Us This Day” a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts. Visit and select “Digital” in the upper right of the screen.