Orange County Cursillo |
In our gospel today, John 19:31-37, as Jesus hung on the cross, it was customary for the soldiers to break the legs of those crucified to hasten their death. But they did not break Jesus’ legs, fulfilling the prophecy that “not a bone of it will be broken”. A soldier thrust his lance in his side and immediately blood and water flowed out. 
The pouring out of the blood from Jesus signifies his pouring out of his life on the cross, laying down his life for his sheep.  We know from 1 John 1:7, his blood cleanses us of all of our sins, as this Lamb of God takes away all of our sins by shedding his blood on the cross.
The water is the living water Jesus speaks of at the well, offering it to the Samaritan woman, when Jesus says “whoever drinks of this living water will never thirst, the water will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life”.
Let us reflect today: what do we see and understand in the flowing of blood and water from the body of Christ? With his blood, do we truly understand the meaning of him dying for us?  With his water, is our most important pursuit eternal life with Christ?
De Colores, Deacon Kevin