Orange County Cursillo |
Today Sheila and I have been married for 56 years. Thinking back over all those years, there’s a lot to ponder. I often mention on Cursillo that various scripture readings cause me to ponder. Well, what does it mean to ponder?
To ponder means to sit quietly with our thoughts and with the Lord. Rather than dwelling on just what is before us, pondering helps us to look at the bigger picture and see the deeper meaning. Often when I ponder I see God working through a particular reading in my life. When I look back at 56 years of marriage, I see how he has guided us and nudged us to keep us on his path. I see how he has nurtured us with his love and mercy.
So when you ponder in silence, don’t be afraid to be honest with God. It’s ok to ask him tough questions. Don’t stray from the central truth of God’s revelation to you. Remember that God loves you, and he has a plan for your life, even if you don’t fully understand it right now. Now that’s something to ponder !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug