Orange County Cursillo |
Happy Father’s Day all of you father’s, grandfather’s and great grandfather’s. My prayer is for you and for all of those beautiful women in our lives. Without them we would not be fathers. For my reflection I’m sending this poem;
God took the strength of a mountain, the majesty of a tree, the warmth of a summer sun, the calm of a quiet sea,
The generous soul of nature, the comforting arm of night, the wisdom of the ages, the power of the eagle’s flight.
The joy of morning in spring, the faith of a mustard seed, the patience of eternity, the depth of a family’s need.
Then God combined these qualities, when there was nothing more to add, He knew his masterpiece was complete, and so he called it ….. Dad !
Remember what Abraham Lincoln said; “No man ever stood so tall as the one who stooped down to help a child !”
St. Joseph – earthly father of Jesus, pray for us ! DeColores, Deacon Doug