Orange County Cursillo |
Our readings today beg the question: do we approach the Lord Jesus with expectant hope or with skeptical doubt ? What did the hemorrhaging woman and Jairus expect from Jesus ? Obviously they expected Jesus could heal. But they also went out of their way to try to encounter him for that healing. The woman had to fight through huge crowds of people just to get close enough to touch his cloak. Jairus had to risk the scorn of his family and neighbors, because he was a ruler of a synagogue, to just talk to Jesus.
Yet Jesus gave hope to the woman who had given up on human cures after twelve years.
Jesus gave hope to the father who had just lost his twelve year old daughter. In both instances we see Jesus’ personal concern for the need of others and his readiness to heal and make whole.
So we need to ask ourselves: do we approach the Lord Jesus with expectant hope ? Do we approach the Lord with the confident expectation that he will hear our request and act ? Do we go out of our way to seek the Lord ?
Remember to pray as if everything depends on God, but work as if everything depends on you !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug