Orange County Cursillo |
The Pharisees and Sadducees were constantly posing questions to Jesus to trap him and find an offense against him. Today’s question however is one of the most absurd scenarios you could ever imagine. They pose to him the question from Tobit about the woman so unlucky as to have seven husbands and did not have relations with any of them before they were killed. So why even speculate on which husband she would have in heaven? What a crazy scenario.
Jesus of course wastes no time in getting to the real problem and not this silly situation that they posed. They were once again just trying to trap him to humiliate him. 
We know that God’s plans are so much greater than anything we can comprehend or our limited minds can conceive. The reality of heaven is beyond anything we can imagine. Therefore Jesus’ answer is more than just a rebuke of the Pharisees. It is also a promise to us especially to all who have recently lost a loved one. He promises that we will be reunited with our loved ones. Love in heaven will be perfect love and we will love every single person the way they deserve to be loved. On earth we place boundaries and conditions on our love. In heaven God’s perfect, eternal love will bind us all together as one. We will love and be loved perfectly !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug