Orange County Cursillo |
We begin Lent (Ash Wednesday) and conclude (Good Friday) with a required fast. In the between it’s up to us as mature Catholics as to how we are going to fast. If I fast or do penance for the rest of Lent, I do it my way and for my own reasons. I should select something to help me grow closer to Christ and to make me a better person.
I’ve never been one who felt you had to fast a certain way or give up certain things. I prefer that people look at those “obstacles to grace” in their lives and fast from certain practices that can lead to sin and temptation. 
I also think it’s good to fast during Lent together as a community of faith. That way the community changes for the good, and not just the individual. To fast when the whole community fasts is to re-interpret my time and enter into faith time with the whole community. That community may be large, or may be the size of your family or your groupies. We fast as a community, pray for one another, support one another.
After all, we are in this together !
DeColores, Deacon Doug