Orange County Cursillo |
In our gospel today, Jesus doesn’t just say to take up our cross and follow him. He says we are to take up our cross DAILY and follow him. I don’t know about you, but I was hoping to get at least one day a week off.
Every day we find ourselves in situations where we have to choose to follow him or go our own way. It could be as simple as following a stray thought that could bring resentment in our hearts. Or as complex as deciding whether to forgive someone who has hurt us deeply. In many situations each and every day we will have to choose Christ’s way or our own way.
Jesus knows that it can be hard to follow him. He knows that in choosing his way we sometimes must deny ourselves and take up our cross. But he also knows that the blessings far outweigh the costs. So as we begin our journey of Lent, he’s asking us to consider the choices we make. He asking us to look at every situation as another opportunity to choose him, and to realize the blessings such a choice will bring.
DeColores, Deacon Doug