Orange County Cursillo |
Bishop Fulton J. Sheen writes; prayer opens possibilities. House plants cannot live without water. They will blossom only if we water them. Windows will let in light, if we clean them. Our hearts will let in God, if we purify them. Blessings come to those who put themselves in an environment of love.
Let us use this Lenten season to grow closer to God. Perhaps we can make a plan to visit a local church or chapel at lunchtime to just sit in his presence. Maybe we have a prayer space at home with a crucifix or holy picture or Bible. Maybe, like myself, you have a “prayer chair”.  The important thing is that you find a quiet place so you can hear him speaking yo you. An environment where you are surrounded by his love.
This Lent Jesus wants you to know that he loves you. This Lent, draw near to God and he will draw near to you. 
DeColores, Deacon Doug