Orange County Cursillo |
The second meditation on the Cursillo Weekend is the story of the Prodigal Son. In this meditation we reflect upon what a merciful, forgiving Father we have in heaven. This meditation is to get the candidates ready for Reconciliation the next morning. It’s a good thing for us to meditate on as well during our Lenten journey, as we prepare for Reconciliation.
First in this story we would expect the father to be really mad at his son for leaving and squandering his inheritance. Instead the father runs to his son, embraces him and welcomes him home. That’s how our God treats us when we return to him and ask for forgiveness. He runs to us to embrace us.
Second, the father in the parable doesn’t just give his son left-overs to eat. Rather he kills the fatted calf and throws a huge party for his son. When we repent and return to the Father he celebrates and rejoices. 
Finally, God cares for everyone. The older son was naturally resentful, but the father assures him that he loves him the same and begs him to join the party. God wants us to know we are loved, but he also wants us to celebrate when someone who is lost returns home to the church.
The father in this parable is what our Heavenly Father is like. So let us thank him always for his mercy and love and forgiveness !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug