Orange County Cursillo |
Humility is like underwear; we have to have it, but we should never show it. Pride is what we think ourselves to be. Humility is the truth we know about ourselves, not in the eyes of our neighbor, but in the eyes of God. With God I don’t need power or prestige to win God’s favor or forgiveness.
Imagine a line of traffic that is backed up for a half a mile due to a lane closure. As you are sitting there some cars speed by in the closed lane so they can cut in up ahead. I just hate that !!
People who don’t have influence must feel the same way when certain people go to the head of the line and cut them off. But it’s not that way with God. God is love, and God loves me, despite all my faults. So I don’t have to wait in line for God’s love. I don’t have to cut in line to get it. That’s a good thing to think about this Lent. That thought keeps me humble !
DeColores, Deacon Doug