Orange County Cursillo |
This week’s Gospel passage is part of the farewell speech Jesus made at the Last Supper to his disciples on the night before he died. In this moving speech he tells them how much he loves them, and how much he has tried to bring them joy and life.
What Jesus said reminds me that a life of faith is not supposed to be sad. Sometime it is inevitable that life is sad. Sad when I see someone I love die. Sad when I see suffering or poverty. But faith gives me a joy and a peace that no one or no one event can take away. When Jesus spoke these words he was already suffering. He knew he was soon going to die, that Judas would betray him, that Peter would deny he knew him, and that the rest would run away from him. He knew these things and was sad.
Yet, despite all this, he told them he loved them and that he would always be with them. When things get tough for us, I need to remember that he loves me very much and that his joy will be my joy, and my joy will be complete. Doesn’t it feel good to be loved ?
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug