Orange County Cursillo |
Today’s Gospel passage from this section of John is part of Jesus’ farewell speech to his disciples at the Last Supper. In effect he is telling the Father that everything he did on earth he did for him. Jesus said; “I have accomplished the work you gave me to do.”
These would be beautiful words for us to be able to say on our death bed. If we could tell Our Father, I did the best I could in what I thought you wanted me to do in my life.
Sometimes I waver and sometimes I go off course. There are other times when I fall on my face. But overall, the thing I try to do in my life is what God wants me to do. After all it’s God work I’m trying to do and not mine. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to end my life with these words: “I have accomplished the work you gave me to do.”
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug