Orange County Cursillo |
In today’s Gospel, Jesus is trying to help us rethink the concept of greatness. It would take his disciples a while to fully understand this concept and likewise it takes us a while also. It’s not about having positions of authority but rather serving our brothers and sisters. He tells us that whoever wishes to be great among you will be your servant.
One of my groupies told me that if you say an entire rosary, not including the creed, you will never say the words “I” or “me”. You will only use the word “we” or “us”. That’s important because the work of salvation is not about me, but is one of humble service. This is true whether it’s in our families, at work, or in our parishes. It’s can never be about me, but about all of us together attaining the kingdom of God.
For a Christian, serving is not an isolated occurrence. It is a way of life that brings us great joy. Because the more you give of yourself, the more you will be given in return. In serving one another we achieve greatness by walking in the footsteps of Jesus Christ. And there is no better place you could ever be !
St. Joseph, pray for us !
DeColores, Deacon Doug