Orange County Cursillo |
The question today in the gospel is: what belongs to Caesar and what belongs to God? To answer this question, Jesus used a visual aid. He got out a Roman coin. This is what you use to pay Caesar, so pay it; and return to God what belongs to God.
What belongs to God is everything. There should be no mystery in this, because we hear it said over and over again in the scriptures. I express my belief in this teaching when I give to the poor. When I give, that’s when I put my money where my mouth is.
When a Cardinal is elected pope he earns a promotion, but his pay is reduced to zero. The pope does not receive a penny in pay, nor does he have a bank account. The donations he receives are given for the needs of the Church.
The whole of creation belongs to God. Really everything I think I own belongs to God as well. When I give something away that I think is mine, I’m expressing my belief that everything belongs to Him. When I give something away in this spirit, and with this awareness, its actually another way of praying!
St. Joseph, pray for us!
DeColores, Deacon Doug