Orange County Cursillo |
In our Gospel today from John 14:6-14, Jesus says some incredible words; “whoever believes in me will do the works that I do and will do greater ones than these. If you ask anything of me in my name, I will do it”. How can any person do greater things than Jesus? How do we know that what we ask in his name will be done?
After Jesus was glorified by his going to the Father, the Holy Spirit was given to those who believed. It is by the Holy Spirit and his Grace, that we know that we can do great things, and that what he asks of us can be accomplished.
This Gospel may cause us to reflect on our lives. Has Jesus called us to do things that we don’t think we can do? If we have said no to God, is it due to our lack of faith, or simply we can’t see things in ourselves that God sees? Let us believe that Jesus can do great things through us if we trust him and allow it. If he calls us to it, he will get us through it!
De Colores, Deacon Kevin