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In our Gospel today, Luke 11:29-32, the scribes and Pharisees came to Jesus and demanded a sign from heaven to test him and prove that he was from God. Jesus responded to them by saying, “this generation is an evil generation; it seeks a sign”. Jesus knew that no sign he could give them would change their minds and hearts.
Jesus called them an “evil generation” because they refused to believe in him. He said no sign will be given except the sigh of Jonah. Just as Jonah proclaimed God’s judgement on the Ninevites who rejected God, so did Jesus come to proclaim God’s judgement on those who reject Jesus.
Jesus’ words are meant to wake them up to the consequences of their behavior. The Ninevites repented of their evil ways, but the Pharisees did not. Which group are we acting like? How has Jesus tried to wake us up when we reject God? How have we responded?
De Colores, Deacon Kevin