When I was in a management position in my job, other than firing or laying off people, the hardest thing to do was finding and hiring the right people. In order to hire the right people, you need to have a clear idea of what you want. Jesus has a simple job description of what he wants. They must be faithful, prudent and compassionate people.
For us having been “hired” by the Lord, it would be foolish not to be held accountable. He calls us into his service and expects us to do great things. He has placed his hope and trust in us here on earth. We also need to be able to adjust to the many different circumstances that arise in the course of doing his work. A great example is the current COVID 19 pandemic.
We are “hired” to be his workers in the vineyard. We will be faced with many difficulties. As we strive to follow him, let us remember what we had on wristbands and lanyards in the past:
WWJD. “What would Jesus do?”.
This is a simple test for us all to follow !
DeColores, Deacon Doug
Join us in prayer!
We encourage you to join us as we recite the Holy Rosary every night at 8PM! On Wednesdays, we pray the rosary via Zoom with the rector and rectora.
Resources for those not able to attend Mass
Daily Readings in English and Spanish from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Prayers, readings for Mass, and additional spiritual readings are available at:
Magnificat publication, a spiritual guide that includes daily Mass: https://us.magnificat.net/free
“Give Us This Day” a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts. Visit GUTD.net and select “Digital” in the upper right of the screen.