I would guess all of us remember where we were and what we were doing when we heard about the attack on the World Trade Center. During the days following the terrorist bombing we thought a lot about God and our churches were full. We thought about our own death because any of us could easily have been killed that day. Only a week before I was on the flight from Boston that hit one of the Twin Towers.
We thought about how fragile life is here on earth. We spend so much time and energy trying to get ahead, to get comfortable, be successful and provide for our families, that it is frightening to think the world will not last forever. It’s scary to think this could all be taken away in an instant.
On the other hand this event for many opened our eyes to the grandeur of God’s plan for the world and for humanity. Once we experience God’s plan, we are filled with a peace that no one can take from me. I can love this earth and all creation because I know that it is God’s earth and God’s creation. I also know he has something far greater for me in heaven. Life here on earth is temporary. Life with him in heaven is eternal !
DeColores, Deacon Doug
Join us in prayer!
We encourage you to join us as we recite the Holy Rosary every night at 8PM! On Wednesdays, we pray the rosary via Zoom with the rector and rectora.
Resources for those not able to attend Mass
Daily Readings in English and Spanish from the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops:
Prayers, readings for Mass, and additional spiritual readings are available at:
Magnificat publication, a spiritual guide that includes daily Mass: https://us.magnificat.net/free
“Give Us This Day” a digital file of their periodical, which includes daily Mass texts. Visit GUTD.net and select “Digital” in the upper right of the screen.