Step Out

Pope Francis in an address to leaders of Lay Movements on May 18, 2013 said; “The church must step outside of herself. To go where? To the outskirts of existence, whatever they may be, but she must step out. Jesus tells us, ‘Go into all the world! Go! Preach! Bear Read more…

New Life

During the Easter Vigil we enter a darkened church with the new Easter Candle. We have the new light of Christ, a newly decorated church, newly blessed oils and new Baptismal water. We start anew in the light of the risen Christ. As we enter this season of new life, Read more…

A Deep Hole

For this month’s Deacon’s Beacon, I want to share a story I shared at School of Leaders. Several people have asked to have a copy of this Autobiography by Portia Nelson. I relate to this because it speaks a lot about my life also. This has become part of my Read more…

Fly Together

I was talking to some Cursillistas about the importance of grouping and it brought to mind a story I would like to share with all of you. Consider the image of geese flying across a beautiful blue sky in a V-shaped formation. Have you ever noticed that there is one goose that sways back and forth at the rear of the group. This goose almost looks like it is undecided

Merry Christmas

In the following days and weeks we will be reminded that the journey of Joseph, Mary and Jesus was not easy. However in everything they faced they were faithful, prayerful and attentive to the directions of God through His messengers. We in Cursillo have been on our own prayerful journey as we moved from Marywood in Orange to Divine Word in Riverside. It too has not been easy, but God